13 September 2016

How I Deal With Hormonal Break Outs - My Skin Care Routine

Unfortunately I suffer from hormonal acne.
 It's rubbish, it's upsetting, it's a down right pain in the ass. 
I mean I'm an adult for crying out loud, when I was a young teen upset with the state of my skin I always thought I'd grow out of it, however I have poly cystic ovaries and sadly this is one of the symptoms...
I have yet to grow up...

It has taken me years of researching, trying and testing ways to control it as best I can and finally I have a routine I have found works best for me that I am so, so happy with.

I know, of course, not everyone is the same, and what may work for me might not work for someone else.  However I do want to share my skin care routine in hope that someone may be able to pick and choose parts of it to try for themselves and hopefully it will help someone else out.

Bio Oil 
Tea Tree Oil
Evening Primrose Oil
Simple Cleaning Wipes 

Tea Tree Oil 
Tea tree oil is great for acne sufferers.
It contains natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help disinfect pores, dry out blemishes and prevent further break outs.    
It is available as a concentrated oil or diluted in to different skin care products.

I personally use Superdrug's own Tea Tree Skincare range. 
It is a gorgeous affordable range of about 10 different daily skin care products, face masks and essential oils which combine tea tree oil and peppermint extracts.  
There are loads of great products in the collection which I use often however my three every day favourites are the exfoliating scrub, foaming face wash and micellar water cleanser. 
I love a product that you can feel working on your skin and leaves it feeling super clean and refreshed. 

Evening Primrose Oil

Discovering evening primrose oil was the turning point in managing my hormonal break outs.  
In order to treat hormonal acne you have to treat it at the root of the problem, the hormone imbalance.  Evening Primrose Oil contains omega-6 fatty acids which have many benefits but, most importantly, help regulate your hormone levels.

I was scrolling through Pinterest and happened across a post that mentioned the benefits, and despite thinking it was a long shot, I was at the end of my tether and was willing to try anything.   
Taking Evening Primrose Oil once a day has made a HUGE difference to my skin, it controls my spots now to a point where if I get a spot it will usually only be the one around the time before or after my period. 
One, I can deal with.

Thank you Pinterest!

Evening Primrose Oil is pretty easy to come by, the one I get is stocked by Holland and Barrett and it's available in different quantities but I have noticed it in the vitamin and supplement sections of some supermarkets. It has no gross taste or after taste and if you're a bit rubbish at taking tablets they have smaller ones available.

The other products I use almost as religiously as I do tea tree and evening primrose are...

 Simple Cleansing Wipes
Simple is my absolute favourite brand when it comes to cleansing wipes.  I have definitely tried them all, at the moment the cleansing wipe of the moment has got to be their Micellar wipes.  I find them softer than all the other wipes and have plenty of product on them for getting your make up off effectively.

Bio Oil
I was really aware of the scars and marks that had been left on my skin by spots and blemishes and if you're the same I would highly recommend using Bio Oil.  It's fantastic for hydrating your skin, evening up skin tone and thankfully, reducing scars and blemishes.  
I love applying it to my whole face a few times a week at night and waking up with brighter, hydrated skin.

Despite all of my above tricks, they are much to my dismay not a cure to hormonal acne, just a way of controlling it.  So when that inevitable blemish comes up Sudocrem is my go to cream to help the healing process along as fast as possible.  


9 November 2015

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Starting Pole Dancing

For so long I used to look up my local pole classes and tell myself 'one day'. But there was always an excuse, 'I don't have anyone to go with', 'I'm really nervous', and the classic, 'What if I suck?'. Really, I knew nothing about the pole world, and I think it was that lack of knowledge that left me completely intimidated by the whole thing. 

Then 'one day' arrived. 

And despite having to force myself not to turn back even as I was walking up the stairs to the studio because I felt so nervous, I made it to my first ever pole class. 

Best decision of my life. 

Now, almost two years on I find myself completely immersed in a world that I absolutely adore. Motivation, strength, support, creativity, confidence and an awesome pole family. 


I openly discuss pole with anyone who will listen but it is one of those things that people still whisper or even go so far as to mouth to me, 'so you *pole* dance?' And it baffles me, so I instinctively talk louder about it.
It's nothing to be ashamed of. 

So here I am wanting to encourage everyone to try pole dancing. Possibly a very different method to my friend Steph's classic, 'I just dragged this human off the street and in to class with us because they said they've always wanted to try pole' but hopefully just as effective. 

So here is what I wish I knew before I went to my first pole class, purely because I know I would have started much earlier if I knew these few things. 


3 August 2015

My Summer Make Up Routine - Freckle Friendly

While mourning the loss of any resemblance of a tan I had I thought I would film a freckle video, you know, since the good old British Summer isn't doing it's part in keeping them from fading.  

When it comes to summer, especially when I'm home in Spain and it's over 30 degrees, last thing I want is to spend my time putting layer upon layer of make up on my face, I'm always looking for something light, fresh and natural looking. And, of course, something that looks nice with freckles (it's harder than you think!!).

Moisturiser - L'Oreal Skin Perfect
Concealer - Rimmel Wake Me Up
Powder - Bourjois 10hr Matte Finish
Bronzer - Bourjois Bronze and Illuminating Powder
Brows - Rimmel Brow This Way
Eyeshadow - Maybelline The Nudes
Mascara - Rimmel Wake Me Up Waterproof Mascara with Argan Oil
Lips - Mac Honey Love


1 August 2015

Alicante Summer 2015

 This summer I discovered I'm good at sharing.  

  I had a wonderful time back home in Spain this summer, so much so I'm sure I'm subconsciously counting down the days until I can go back. 
If I let myself I could allow this blog post to go on and on and on but instead I'll limit myself to telling you my favourite things to do when I'm home.

(in no particular order)
1. Exchange dressing myself in proper outfits for bikinis, flipflops and messy beach hair.
2. Eat Paella.  And a lot of it if possible.
3. Go to a theme park.  Aqualandia, you bruise but it's worth it.
4. Visit tapas bars along the seafront, fend off any hungry birds. They're my tapas.
5. Read. I got through The Scorch Trials books while away this year.
6. Beach days. Swimming, napping, playing. Perfect.
7. Go to all my favourite restaurants. I can recommend a few!
8. Sightseeing.  They're familiar sights but oh so welcome to be reseen.
9.  Join in with traditions.
10. Family time. 

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